Hope you have heard about social bookmarking sites like http://del.icio.us/. There are many other sites which provide the same service. AddThis aggregates all this sites into one cool button.
Something about social bookmarking. The problem is more and more pages are being added to the Internet day by day. Some of them are genuine and other are spams. Its getting really hard to find the right information we need. Thats where social bookmarking come in. Here one can bookmark a site he / she likes. These bookmarks can be shared with the friends. Its much better to see a site already bookmarked by someone.. rather then google it. :-)
I use Del.icio.us. My bookmarks http://del.icio.us/kmanicka. I have also installed a firefox plugin which makes it lot easier to maintain these bookmarks.https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3615